The principle goal of Faith Formation at the Parish of Saint Mary, Mother of the Church
is to support, assist and encourage parents in their role as the primary Catholic educators
of their children. Parental participation is the foundation on which parish catechesis is
built and is necessary and expected throughout each child’s enrollment program.
Essential to a child’s growth and development in the Catholic faith is the life of faith lived
at home. Parents teach informally, but essentially and powerfully, by example and instruction.
The Faith Formation Program is designed to assist parents in this sacred
responsibility which they accepted at the time of their child’s baptism. It compliments
the foundational education in faith being given by the parents. It furthers the child’s
growth in faith by giving specific religious instruction which builds upon and reinforces
the positive faith development fostered by the parents. On entering the parish
religious education program the child begins to study in a community much wider
than the family.
Responsibility of providing a comprehensive, integrated and total approach to
Faith Formation in the parish is shared by the Pastor and parochial staff.
The Archdiocese of New York recommends that the parish hire a certified Director.
Under the authority of the Pastor and along with the parish staff, the director
establishes policies and makes decisions concerning the administration of the program.
Our Programs includes various models of Faith Formation:
Whole Family Formation - in our B.F.F. Building Family Faith Monthly Gatherings
Weekly Faith Formation- Classroom sessions for Grades 1-8
Summer Immersion Programs for Grades 5 and 6
Adult Faith Formation Programs: Bible Studies and Catechism in a Year
Vacation Bible School - Full Day / Full week Annual Camp just for fun for ages 4-12