It is through the Lectors that God’s Living Word is proclaimed to His people. To be a Lector,
takes some preparation.
Our Lectors prepare for their proclamation of the Word in both a practical and spiritual manner. During the week, prior to Sunday Mass, they familiarize themselves with the scripture readings and ensure an understanding of each selection so that they can effectively communicate the meaning. Their next step is to read them several times both silently and aloud.
Lectors are assigned to serve at a particular Mass time of their choice. A six-month schedule is mailed to members of this apostolic work. Lectors are responsible to find a substitute in the event they cannot read on a particular date for which they are scheduled. A Ministry Listing is provided to assist in this effort.
A brief training session is provided.
Contact: Sue Iannucci or Father Joseph Blenkle – 845-896-6400 at the rectory.