Bishop Gerardo Colacicco will be our celebrant.
Confirmation is Currently Scheduled for Saturday, November 23rd, 2024 -
Confirmation Registration will close on July 31, 2024
Confirmation 2024 Program Specifics:
#2 Saint Report: Each candidate has chosen a Saint to be their Role Model for Catholic Living- We'd like to know a little about your choice. Please write/type a 2 page Saint report- One page with a brief summary of the Saints life and the other about the why's - Why you chose this Saint- what you admire about them and their life and how you think this will impact your life as a Catholic. Please no GIANT fonts. AND it goes to say- no copying from the internet. The Saint report is due at the Confirmation Retreat- at the latest. It may be turned in earlier if completed. Please no 'copying off of the internet.' (sources are monitored)
#3 Mercy Project- Approval for the candidates Mercy Project will be given once the proposal has been submitted in Phase 1. Please complete or work on your service project once you have approval. Please bring a short paragraph or 2 on your project: What you did / where and which work of Mercy it was and how you felt to your Confirmation Retreat. Photos welcome! You will present your Mercy Project in small groups at the retreat.
There is a Required all day Confirmation Retreat on Saturday, October 19th.Credit / Debit Card Payment: If you have completed your 1. Confirmation Application , 2. Sponsor form and 3 On-line Mercy Proposal (via the on line link you received at the orientation) you may pay the Confirmation fee with Credit Card using THIS LINK or submit a check to us made out to St Mary's Religious Education Program along with the paperwork.